Transforming The Voices Of Innocent

Children In Crisis Situations

From Cries Of Despair

To Songs Of Joy

And Delight.

Transforming the voices of innocent children

in crisis situations from cries of despair

to songs of joy and delight.

Watch a Message About Our organization

Children in Crisis.

The problem seems so big… but you can help.

Innocent Voices is a San Francisco Bay Area-based non-profit organization. Founded in 2003, Innocent Voices seeks out and fully examines organizations both locally and globally, that are working to improve the lives of children in crisis. These organizations address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of children. Innocent Voices works with approximately ten partnering organizations and chooses projects with several of these organizations each year.

How does Innocent Voices Help?

A boy who should be in elementary school

is given a rifle and trained to kill

A young girl who might be dreaming of princesses

instead cries herself to sleep after being sexually exploited night after night

A family of young children should be playing at home but instead begs in the streets because their drug-addicted parents have abandoned them

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Matthew 25:40

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