Our Projects

Current Projects:

2024 Project with Love Never Fails (LNF) in S.F. Bay Area:

I AM House Children’s Program

I AM House Children’s Program in Alameda County will provide immediate support for children of women from the underserved community who have been rescued from traumatic circumstances. They educate parents and their children on good hygiene, cleanliness, and other elements of daily life. They also implement fun activities each week for the parents and children. They collaborate with the Services Manager on the parent/trafficking survivor’s schedule to ensure childcare options are available and anticipate other needs of children and parents.

Project Goals:

Program starts in early 2024 and will provide needed services and education for the children, in house, while their mothers are recovering and being rehabilitated from traumatic situations.

Cost:  $7,000
Currently Raised: 

2024 Project with Today’s Youth Matter (TYM) :

Summer Camp Scholarships

Provide scholarships to enable 11 kids to participate in TYM’s renowned summer camp.

Project Goals:

Through their renowned summer camp, they will continue to provide high-impact adventure for the kids, while bringing them closer to Christ.

Cost:  $6,875

Currently Raised:  

2024 Project with Oasis-Kyrgyzstan:

Human Rights Camp 2024

For the ninth year in a row, Innocent Voices is funding the Summer Human Rights Camp for at least 30 “care leavers” in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

OASIS Leadership Academy: Identify and select 10-15 volunteers out of a pool of 40 candidates, and train them to work with at-risk youth and survivors of violence, gaining community service and leadership skills with a goal to teach and mentor vulnerable young people transitioning into adulthood without a needed support structure in place. They will educate and mentor the young people, accessing OASIS sustainable programs and guaranteed public services: social protection, legal protection, medical care, and housing. All participants will learn information about educational and safe job opportunities.

Project Goals:

Prepare and educate 15 active young leaders to support these vulnerable young people and children in Kyrgyzstan transitioning into adulthood and independent life.

Target group: Social orphans, care leavers, children from disadvantaged families, victims of trafficking, forced crime (Juvenile probation clients), and violence.

Cost:  $7,000
Currently Raised:  $7,000

2024 PROJECT with Dwelling Places:

Child Sponsorship Program

Funding their ongoing Education Support Program to educate 94 children to enable them transition to the next class or level of education, including: 74 in Primary School; 22 in Secondary school. The children will be supported in Napak and Kampala district schools where they are reintegrated.

Project Goals:

To provide a full year’s educational support for the reintegrated children and youth to reduce their vulnerability to re-trafficking for street begging, child labor and sexual exploitation due to lack of school fees.

Cost: $7,000 

Currently Raised: $4,666

2024 Project with Christian World Outreach (CWO):

CWO Ongoing After School Program at Anaivilunthan, Sri Lanka

Purchase materials and build a porch as an addition to the current CWO building.

Provide school supplies and food for the children and help with salaries for the teachers. The CWO leaders spend time with parents as well, to make them aware of our program and what we do. Teachers share about Jesus and let parents know that they are sharing Bible stories and not forcing any religious beliefs on any of the children.

Project Goals:

Adding a porch will allow tables and chairs to be set up on the porch with fans during the hot seasons so the children can learn in a more comfortable environment. Additional support will help students and teachers for one year.

Cost: $6,500

Currently Raised: $6,500 

2024 Project with Jericho Ministries in Honduras, Central America:

Providing books and school supplies

Provide books and school supplies for two campuses of students, one in the inner city of Tegucigalpa and the other in Danli in the countryside at the Jericho Ministries’ children’s home.

 Project Goals:

To help young people realize the dreams that God has placed in their hearts and be accepted and loved in the process.

Cost: $7,000

Currently Raised:  $7,000

2024 Project with Great Commission – India Ministries (GCIM):

Equipping two digital classrooms and additional computers for labs for Hosanna School at Venamidi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Currently Hosanna School has 399 children enrolled with 18 teachers. There are 208 applications not accepted because there is no room for them. It is government approved and tuition free. The school building will be greatly expanded by the middle of 2024 to accommodate many more children. Additional digital classrooms and computers for the labs will greatly enhance their ability to minister to the children.

Project Goals:

Project to commence May 1, 2024, and be completed May 31, 2024 to be used for the 2024-2025 school year.

Cost: $6,916

Currently Raised:

2024 Project with Euro-Christian Partners:

Renovation of the orphanage’s restroom facilities

The “Children’s Home” in Lupeni, Romania, is a licensed and nationally accredited orphanage that began operation in 1999. It operates under the auspices of Holy Trinity Baptist Church of Lupeni and is located on the church property. The existing orphanage restrooms were built over 25 years ago and do not meet current national standards. Specifically, they need plumbing, plumbing fixtures, ventilation and lighting upgrades and improvements. Additionally, privacy partitions and tile flooring are needed.

Project Goals:

The goal would be to renovate the orphanage’s restroom facilities to bring them up to current health and safety standards.

Cost: $7,000

Currently Raised: $7,000

2024 Project with Prison Fellowship International (PFI)

Child Sponsorship Program in Medellin, Colombia

With more than 14 million children around the world losing one or both parents to prison, one million of them live in poverty and are at risk for exploitation, abuse, slavery, sex-trafficking, gang violence and repeating the cycle of crime. The Child’s Journey meets them where they are and provides services to give them opportunity to grow in 4 key areas: education, health, safety, and spirituality. Our project will fund fees, uniforms, school supplies, plus emergency funds for unplanned expenses like medical bills, urgent home repairs, and help with rent.

Project Goals:

To serve vulnerable children of prisoners in Colombia through “The Child’s Journey” intervention program.

Cost: $7,000

Currently Raised: $7,000

Completed Projects:

2023 Project with Today’s Youth Matter (TYM) : Year Round Transformational Relationships – Summer Camp ScholarshipsPLUS THRIVE-4-Kids small group mentoring

 Scholarships to enable 4 kids to participate in TYM’s renowned summer camp, which will provide high-impact adventures, while bringing them closer to Christ.  The Scholarships also provide small group mentoring where kids are able to continually foster positive, transformational relationships with their mentor coaches and their peers.

Project Goals:

  1. Have a hope rooted in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  2. Have a positive daily outlook and a vision for a fruitful future
  3. Learn life skills, including goal management, self-reflection, social-emotional and academic motivation, and how to apply their strengths to challenges and opportunities.

Cost:  $6,860 (4 children at $1,715 per child)
Currently Raised:  $ 6,860   

2023 Project with Oasis-Kyrgyzstan:  Human Rights Summer Camp for Orphanage Leavers in Central Asia 

For the eighth year in a row, Innocent Voices is funding the Summer Human Rights Camp for 30 to 35 “care leavers” in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The Human Rights School in 2023 is aimed at supporting victims of child trafficking and gender-based violence among social orphans, as well as children in conflict with the law. Participants will learn how they can protect their interests before state agencies to have access to guaranteed public services (education, housing, medical services, social support). Additionally, all participants will get access to information about opportunities (safe employment, scholarships etc.). The school will also help to create a mentoring program to support children and young people through the training of volunteers/mentors.These children are nurtured spiritually as well. Every day in the camp begins with one commandment from the Scriptures that helps them practice love and care for each other.

Project Goals:

  1. To support 30-35 victims of Trafficking in persons (TIP) and violence through psychological assistance and the mentoring program, along with humanitarian assistance
  2. To enhance legal literacy of participants about their rights and opportunities so that they have access to housing, education, and medical services
  3. Strengthen knowledge and skills in leadership and interpersonal skills
  4. To prevent violence and human trafficking among participants through teaching them to have a safety plan, providing information about safe employment and educational opportunities through Oasis’ Bilimbelek program
  5. To train new mentors and volunteers, and to involve them ina mentoring program to support young people in crisis
  6. Strengthen social partnership between stakeholders and local organizations to protect the interests and rights of victims of child trafficking and violence, as well as care leavers in Kyrgyzstan through an information campaign and building partnerships
  7. To provide support of participants for the long-term through Oasis’ sustainable programs and currently available projects.

Cost:  $7,000
Currently Raised:  $ 7,000

2023 PROJECT with Dwelling Places: Complete Bathrooms and Toilets for the New Girl’s Dormitory for the Transitional Rehabilitation Home

Project Goals:

The project’s overall goal is to complete the bathrooms & toilets for the new girls’ dormitory to make it habitable for the children who will be residents during their rehabilitation period (3-6months at a time) and contribute to reducing their vulnerability to trafficking for street begging, child labor and sexual exploitation.

Dwelling Places runs a spiritual department fully equipped by a qualified children’s pastor who engages the children in different kinds of spiritual activities, bible activities, fellowship time, puppet shows, storytelling, spiritual counseling, and teaching the children about prayer and salvation. Many are introduced to who Christ is for the very first time.

 Cost: $7,000 of a projected budget of $12,327.35

Currently Raised:  $ 7,000

2023 Project with Christian World Outreach (CWO): Single Moms Raising Sons (SMRS)Boys Camps in South Africa

To send 25 boys, ages 6-18, to three camps each in 2023.  These are vulnerable sons of single moms. The camp experience provides their sons with structured learning and encouragement, with Bible studies and spiritual mentoring.

Project Goals:

To allow the boys to spend quality time with other boys and for adult mentors to speak into their lives while they have fun experiencing things like talking around campfires, going on late-night hikes, and swimming in the river. Camp mentors are trained and experienced in leading and caring for such boys.

Cost: $6,750 ($90 per child for each of 3 camps during 2023)

Currently Raised:  $6,750 

2023 Project with Jericho Ministries in Honduras, Central America:

Providing books and school supplies

Provide books and school supplies for two campuses of students, one in the inner city of Tegucigalpa and the other in Danli in the countryside at the Jericho Ministries’ children’s home in Honduras for the year 2023.

Project Goals:

To help young people realize the dreams that God has placed in their hearts, and be accepted and loved in the process.

Cost: $6,200

Currently Raised:  $6,200

2023 Project with Great Commission – India Ministries (GCIM): Providing portable Sound System for VBS Programs in remote tribal villages and 25 iron bunk beds and mattresses for the Hosanna Home

Love Camps are conducted throughout the year in remote tribal villages in East Godavari District in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. They have reached over 8,000 children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through these 3-day Vacation Bible School festivals. These Camps are conducted in remote villages that do not have electricity. They need to use portable sound systems with portable petrol generators to carry out the programs in an effective manner. They often have 2 separate camps being held at the same time so they need another sound system for that purpose.

Also, they currently have 96 orphan children at Hosanna Home. They had a large increase in orphans in 2022, and have 46 children presently sleeping on the floor on pads. They need to have 25 more iron bunk beds and mattresses to accommodate the new orphans.

Project Goals:

The goals of the project are:

To provide a second sound system for use when two separate children’s camps are being held at the same time

To provide enough beds to care for the large influx of orphans who came in 2022.

Cost: $6,776

Currently Raised: $6,776

2023 Project with Compassion Bridges – Outreach Ministries to Afghan Refugee Children

The project with Innocent Voices will partially fund Outreach Ministries to Afghan Refugee Children and families at the extended stay hotels in San Jose, CA.  This year’s project includes: tutoring, food distribution, purchasing more bikes, backpacks and school supplies for the children. They will also directly support families experiencing starvation and exploitation by the Taliban in Afghanistan through their in-country partner.

Project Goals:

The goal is to help stabilize families with tangible help, resources and opportunities to help them get out of poverty in the name of Jesus and see the love of Christ in very real ways. For most new children joining the ministries, this will be the first time they will receive help from Christian families. The project will help build incredible bridges of peace and hope with these children who felt abandoned, exploited, and traumatized by the actions of the Taliban.

Cost: $5,000

Currently Raised: $ 5,000

2023 Project with Euro-Christian Partners – Providing Food Products for Six Months to Village Refugee children of Poroshkovo in southwestern Ukraine 

The project with Innocent Voices will provide funding for the purchase of essential food products over a period of six months that includes the upcoming winter of 2023-24.The primary beneficiaries are the children impacted by the church’s ongoing youth outreach programs. The church consistently ministers to 400 village children through its youth programs. 

Project Goals:

The goal would be to supplement the intermittent and meager donations from others over six months to consistently provide basic nutritional needs for undernourished children—particularly over the winter months. With the funds provided by this project, Pastor Patras and his church elders would have over $800 a month for the purchase of food stuff to spread out over six months. Their church’s ongoing youth outreach programs consistently ministers to 400 village children through its youth programs, bringing to them a message of hope and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. .

Cost: $5,000

Currently Raised: $ 5,000

2022 Project with Love Never Fails (LNF) in S.F. Bay Area:  Rehabilitation of a young trafficking victim at I AM Youth Art House

The I AM Youth Art House of provides long-term safe housing and restorative services for girls age 13-17 who have experienced human trafficking. The Project works to restore, educate, and protect human trafficking survivors and facilitate re-bonding with their families. Parents in the housing programs are provided with childcare so that parents can take walks, take naps, journal, participate in workforce development programs, therapeutic groups, and one-on-one counseling.

Project Goals:

To provide a long-term housing option that employs a team of skilled trauma informed residential leaders, with the goal of healing the trauma through expressive arts, healthy living, and family coaching while maintaining parental rights and encouraging reunification. We are funding one month of yearly in-house tuition for girls who were rescued after being tricked and trafficked.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000

2022 Project with Today’s Youth Matter (TYM) in S.F. Bay Area:  THRIVE 3.0 Cohort & Pods Program

This program is scheduled to begin with 4th pod in Winter 2021 and add 5th pod in Spring 2022, LIVE camp at  the Alliance Redwoods, providing programming and mentorship of at-risk youth, guiding students through a transformational journey to instill resilience, faith and character.

This project funds $5,000 share of $152,558 total cost of running the programs.

Project Goals:

  1. Expand community impact by increasing “boots on the ground” with staff and volunteers
  2. Renew commitment to supporting students and families through life changing relationships
  3. Establish lifelong, enduring Urban Youth Partnerships in Richmond and beyond

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2022 Project with Oasis-Kyrgyzstan:  Human Rights Summer Camp for Orphanage Leavers in Central Asia 

For the seventh year in a row, Innocent Voices is funding for the 2022 Summer Human Rights Camp for 40 “care leavers” in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.  The project includes a three day training in May for 10 staff and volunteers who will continue to develop intentional relationships with the care leavers..  The Camp will be held in June and July .The goal of the Camp is the formation of legal knowledge on basic human rights, life skills, safe employment processes, access to democratic processes in the Kyrgyz Republic among care leavers who graduated orphanages and boarding school in 2021 in Chui oblast.

Project Goals:

1. Prepare care leavers for their transition into independence through focused human rights and life skills training;

2. Help care leavers with education, housing, job opportunities, medical service by support of casework;

3. 10 volunteers and mentors trained in providing mentoring for care leavers, selected from active previous participants, businessmen, active citizens, social workers, and successful people wishing to help children to overcome difficulties;

4. Supporting Care Leavers, vulnerable children as they start to live independently (includes provision of youth center which Innocent Voices equipped with.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2022 Haiti Feeding Program : 

The CWO Children’s Feeding Program in Haiti started in 2009. As many as 65 children, ages 10 and under, receive a hot meal three times a week while hearing Bible stories, learning to pray and singing songs. The Feeding Program takes place in the courtyard of the CWO  headquarters building in Delmas. Also in that building are the Feminine Training Center classes and the CWO Port-au-Prince Church. Some of the women enrolled in the vocational school have children in the Feeding Program. Families of these children are also invited to attend church on Sunday mornings. It’s always a blessing to hear how God makes a difference in these children’s lives through CWO. The cost to feed a child in the Children’s Feeding program is $1 per child per meal. Innocent Voices will offer $5,000 to provide 32 children with meals three times a week for one year.

Project Goals:

To offer a hot meal three times a week to the children living near the Christian World Outreach Haiti office in Delmas, an area in Port-au-Prince. These young children (ages 10 and under) are vulnerable and in need of nutritious food. The program helps improve the health of the children and provides a way to reach out with the love of Jesus.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2022 School Expenses for Children in India:  186 children are enrolled in the Little Flock Kindergarten and Elementary School in Hanumanthapuram Village, Tamil Nadu, India.   Most of them are village children from poor and mostly illiterate families who live in the villages around the area.  The rest are children who are orphaned and live at Little Flock Children’s Homes.

During COVID lockdowns, classes are held online.  Online instruction for private schools forfeited any tuition or fees. Little Flock is keeping all teachers and workers on salary.  Innocent Voices will help fund the school to keep online classes going during the pandemic.

Project Goals:                       

Quality education offered to these children will help protect them from exploitation and give them a future.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000

2022 Project with Great Commission – India Ministries (GCIM)

India has over 30 million orphans who lack basic housing, clothing, and food.  GCIM operates the Hosanna Home and School to provide these basic needs plus education, medical and spiritual care for over 150 children. Most of them did not know their age or birthdates. Some of these children did not know their names or remember their parents. Innocent Voices will fund a new computer lab and 2 digital classrooms within the current space at the Hosanna School.

Project Goals:

This project will provide the tribal children with a well-rounded education, so that they can escape the generational poverty and illiteracy of the tribal community. It will also provide them with the tools to live a long and secure life among the general population of their country. Our prayer is that these children will eventually lead many other people to a knowledge of Jesus Christ throughout this Hindu nation.

 Cost:  $4,600

Currently Raised:  $4,600 

2022 Project with Compassion Bridges: 

Compassion Bridges helps refugees, coming here after the US Pull-out of Afghanistan, with support of food, clothing, gift-cards, ESL classes, help getting connected to health care, and spiritual hope.  This project will bless, encourage and reach out to Afghan Refugee Children and families at the extended stay hotels in San Jose.  Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and Refugees from Afghanistan are coming bi-weekly as they are released from Military bases around the US.  Currently there are over 50 children in one hotel and over 30 in another hotel in San Jose.

 Project Goals:

 Provide one-one ESL classes to teach English to kids and their families so they can be ready for school. Education is the most powerful tool to get out of poverty and avoid exploitation. 

  1. Encourage kids with bicycles as needed and age- appropriate toys. 
  2. Take kids and their parents on outings to get them out of the hotel and learn about American culture.
  3. For older working age young adults and their parents, help them write their resumes and get jobs to help their families. 
  4. Help families with extra food, such as Afghan bread they love.
  5. Help purchase and setup computers for their families and teach them how to use them so they can do some Basic English classes online.

All of these things will be led by Christians to be witnesses of Jesus to them. The goals are not just to take care of their needs but to build relationships so they can be encouraged with the Hope of Jesus. 

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000

2021 Project with Love Never Fails (LNF) in S.F. Bay Area:  Rehabilitation of a young trafficking victim at I AM Youth Art House

The I AM Youth Art House of provides long-term safe housing and restorative services for girls age 13-17 who have experienced human trafficking. The clinical art-based program gives them a chance to express themselves freely and heal. This 12-month program includes art, dance, and music programming, healthy living/nutrition, career exploration, case management, and family reunification coaching. We are funding 20% of yearly in-house tuition for a 15-year-old girl who was rescued after being tricked and trafficked.

Project Goals:

To provide a long-term housing option that employs a team of skilled trauma informed residential leaders, with the goal of healing the trauma through expressive arts, healthy living, and family coaching while maintaining parental rights and encouraging reunification.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000

2021 Project with Today’s Youth Matter (TYM) in S.F. Bay Area:  THRIVE 3.0 Cohort & Pods Program

This program is scheduled to begin piloting with two pods in Winter 2021 and the full launch of six pods in Fall 2021, providing programming and mentorship of at-risk youth, guiding students through a transformational journey to instill resilience, faith and character. This project funds $5,000 share of $141,758 total cost of running the programs.

Project Goals:

Expand community impact of current THRIVE program by increasing number of staff and volunteers

  1. Renew commitment to supporting students and families through life changing relationships
  2. Establish lifelong, enduring Urban Youth Partnerships in Richmond

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2021 Project with Oasis-Kyrgyzstan:  Human Rights Summer Camp for Orphanage Leavers in Central Asia  

For the sixth year in a row, Innocent Voices is funding for the 2021 Summer Camp for 40 “care leavers” in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.  The project includes a three day training in May for 10 staff and volunteers who will continue to develop intentional relationships with the care leavers..  The five day Camp will be held in July .The goal of the Camp is the formation of legal knowledge on basic human rights, life skills, safe employment processes, access to democratic processes in the Kyrgyz Republic among care leavers who graduated orphanages and boarding school in 2021 in Chui oblast and Bishkek city.

Project Goals:

1. Prepare care leavers for their transition into independence through focused human rights and life skills training

2. Help care leavers with education, housing, job opportunities, medical service by support of casework

 3. 10 volunteers and mentors trained in providing mentoring for care leavers, selected from active previous participants, businessmen, active citizens, social workers, and successful people wishing to help children to overcome difficulties

4. Care leavers will join the Oasis care leavers’ community where young people act to support each other and participate in various activities together.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2021 Project with Dwelling Places in Uganda: 

Fully furnish three presently empty classrooms and library in Lomaratoit Primary School with desks, tables, chairs and bookshelves.

Project Goals:

To create a more comfortable learning environment for the pupils of the school, and support more vulnerable children to stay in school and complete the full circle of Primary Education as they prepare to join secondary school. To achieve this goal, the project will also produce 100 child friendly bible study materials that will be made available to the vulnerable children within this school and community through the library, more especially during this prolonged lockdown as churches remain closed, given the limited access to radios, TVs or every other online platforms that churches are using these days in light of the COVID 19 pandemic; to ensure continued access and learning of God’s Word in a child friendly manner.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000  

2021 Project with Redwood Chapel in Castro Valley, CA: Foster Care/Adoption Fund 

The Foster Care/Adoption Fund is a new fund established by Innocent Voices to provide “seed money” to encourage families at Redwood Chapel to foster and/or adopt children.  The Fund is intended to help families in financial need to prepare their homes or prepare in other ways for a child God leads them to foster or adopt.  The Foster Care/Adoption Fund is managed by the Benevolence Team at Redwood Chapel.   Innocent Voices will establish this fund with a gift of $5,000.    Individuals may also contribute to this fund.

Project Goals:                     

  1. To encourage foster care and adoption of children in crisis situation.
  2. To help families who cannot afford to prepare their homes or prepare in other ways for foster care and/or adoption.
  3. To give children in need a loving home and experience of God’s love

Cost:  $500
Currently Raised:  $500

2021 Project with Christian World Outreach (CWO) in Mutare, Zimbabwe: OK Kids Program

“Our Kids” (OK Kids) is derived from the African concept that views every child in a community as belonging to everyone in the community. CWO places orphaned children (1-18 years) with a family in their home community, thus allowing them to stay in school and remain close to their friends and familiar surroundings. Innocent Voices is supporting Children in the OK Kids program who will receive the following assistance: School fees and uniforms, writing books, textbooks, medical care, food kits, on-going counseling, AIDS education, skills development and opportunities for micro-income generating projects, weekend Kids Camps.

Project Goals:

The goal of the OK Kids program is to give orphaned children a home in the community they are familiar with and where they can go to school; to provide housing and food, the means and encouragement to attend school, healthcare assistance (medication if they have HIV/AIDS), an opportunity to know Jesus and to feel loved and supported.

Cost:  $4,100
Currently Raised:  $4,100   

2021 with Jericho Ministries in Honduras, Central America:

This project will provide books and school supplies for children at Jericho School and children at “The Villa” – Jericho Ministries’ children’s home in Honduras for the year 2021.

Project Goals:

The vision of both schools is not only to provide these children with hope for their future and a good solid Christian education, but also to minister to their spiritual and emotional needs.

This project will provide books and necessary supplies  for 125 students in primary and secondary school in two locations. They will use two different Honduran home schooling programs, which are Christian based.

Cost:  $4,000

Currently Raised:  $4,000   

2020 Business School Expenses for Promising Student: Badjao Bridge is a ministry among the Badjo people in the Philippines.  Among other ministres, they identify promising youth and find sponsors for their education.   Innocent Voices is supporting one such youth who has a dream of starting a business that will charge fair prices to everyone, including the Badjao who are often taken advantage of.  Her dream includes providing employment for Badjao as well.   Our support provides tuition, a laptop, and the monthly internet connection for her first year of 4 years of business school.

Cost:  $2,500
Currently Raised:  $2,500  

2020 Emerging Leadership Academy: The Emerging Leadership Academy is a nine‐month internship program that trains high school students for leadership in urban communities.  The Academy was created to cultivate the next generation of Today’s Youth Matter urban youth leaders who will, in turn, develop authentic relationships with summer campers guiding them spiritually, emotionally and academically. The students come from both under-resourced communities (who live with a legacy of trauma, making them vulnerable to abuse and neglect) as well as from well-resourced communities (i.e. students at St. Ignatius, a Jesuit high school in San Francisco).  Innocent Voices will fund 10 leader training sessions at $500 per session.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000  

2020 Trafficking Prevention Education in East Bay Churches:  Having encountered many cases where children attending church are sexually abused and groomed for trafficking, Love Never Fails (LNF) finds the church is unaware and/or ill equipped to respond.  This project addresses the prevention of human trafficking and child abuse in five East Bay churches by educating children, youth, and parents on the definition of human trafficking and the tactics that are used to recruit, groom, and subdue/enslave victims.  LNF will partner with each church to interrupt active recruiting/grooming and restore children that have already been abused or trafficked.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $2,500  

2020 Vocational Training for 50 Youth in Kangundo, Kenya:  This project will train 50 marginalized and vulnerable youth in practical skills including motorbike repair, dressmaking, tailoring and motor vehicle wiring.  Training will take place at the Kenya Evangelical Mission (KEM) Polytechnic school.  By imparting skills to these youth, who are struggling in poverty, they will be able to support themselves and contribute to society at large.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000  

2020 Books and School Supplies for 110+ Children in Honduras: This project will fund books and school supplies for 80+ children at Jericho Ministries’ school in the capital and 30 children at “The Villa” – Jericho Ministries’ children’s home in the country. These children and youth are at high risk for entering gangs or for becoming sexually exploited. The vision of both schools is to provide young people with hope for their future and a good solid Christian education, while ministering to their spiritual and emotional needs.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2020 Human Rights Summer Camp for Orphanage Leavers in Central Asia:   For most of the 15 to 17 year old youth who live in government institutions such as orphanages and children’s centers, their departure and transition into independent living is a point of crisis where they are suddenly required to fend for themselves with little training and minimal or no support.  As a result, these young people are vulnerable to living on the streets, involvement in crime (including prostitution), and being trafficked. For the fourth year in a row, Innocent Voices is supporting this Summer Camp for “care leavers” in Central Asia. The Camp will provide an opportunity to build intentional relationships with 40 “leavers,” while providing them with legal knowledge of basic human rights, life skills, safe employment practices and access to democratic processes.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $0   

2020 Support for 8 Orphans for One Year: The CWO (Christian World Outreach) orphan ministry is based on the African concept that views every child in a community as belonging to everyone in the community.  CWO places orphaned children (1-18 years) with a family in their home community, thus allowing them to stay in school and remain close to their friends and familiar surroundings. Innocent Voices is supporting 8 children in this program for one year, thus providing assistance for school fees and uniforms, writing books, textbooks, medical care, food kits, on-going counseling, AIDS education, skills development and opportunities for micro-income generating projects .

Cost:  $4,320
Currently Raised:  $4,320   

2019 Tailor Training for Marginalized Children in Uganda:  Dwelling Places is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of street children, many of whom have been victims of child trafficking and child labor.  Once reintegrated back with their families and enrolled into formal education, some children have dropped out of school for a variety of reasons.  This project provides these girls with another opportunity to attain a skill that will empower and equip them for self reliance.  Over 3 years, 180 girls will receive training to develop tailoring skills for making industrial uniforms and sweaters.   Markets have already been identified for the uniforms and sweaters.  This project will be self-sustaining after the three years.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000  

2019 Human Rights Summer Camp for Orphanage Leavers in Central Asia:   For most of the 15 to 17 year old youth who live in government institutions such as orphanages and children’s centers, their departure and transition into independent living is a point of crisis where they are suddenly required to fend for themselves with little training and minimal or no support.  As a result, these young people are vulnerable to living on the streets, involvement in crime (including prostitution), and being trafficked. For the fourth year in a row, Innocent Voices is supporting this Summer Camp for “care leavers” in Central Asia. The Camp will provide an opportunity to build intentional relationships with 40 “leavers,” while providing them with legal knowledge of basic human rights, life skills, safe employment practices and access to democratic processes.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2019 Foster Care/Adoption Fund: The Foster Care/Adoption Fund is a new fund established by Innocent Voices to provide “seed money” to encourage families at Redwood Chapel to foster and/or adopt children.  The Fund is intended to help families in financial need to prepare their homes or prepare in other ways for a child God leads them to foster or adopt.  The Foster Care/Adoption Fund is managed by the Benevolence Team at Redwood Chapel.   Innocent Voices will establish this fund with a gift of $5,000.    Individuals may also contribute to this fund

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2019 Support for 8 Orphans for One Year: The CWO (Christian World Outreach) orphan ministry is based on the African concept that views every child in a community as belonging to everyone in the community.  CWO places orphaned children (1-18 years) with a family in their home community, thus allowing them to stay in school and remain close to their friends and familiar surroundings. Innocent Voices is supporting 8 children in this program for one year, thus providing assistance for school fees and uniforms, writing books, textbooks, medical care, food kits, on-going counseling, AIDS education, skills development and opportunities for micro-income generating projects .

Cost:  $4,320
Currently Raised:  $4,320   

2019 Emerging Leadership Academy: The Emerging Leadership Academy is a nine‐month internship program that trains high school students for leadership in urban communities.  The Academy was created to cultivate the next generation of Today’s Youth Matter urban youth leaders who will, in turn, develop authentic relationships with summer campers guiding them spiritually, emotionally and academically. The students come from both under-resourced communities (who live with a legacy of trauma, making them vulnerable to abuse and neglect) as well as from well-resourced communities (i.e. students at St. Ignatius, a Jesuit high school in San Francisco).  Innocent Voices will fund 10 leader training sessions at $500 per sessio

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000   

2019 Drop-in Center in the Philippines:  Children who are exploited, trafficked, abused and forgotten by so many can find food, medical care, activities and school supplies at the Drop-in Center (also known as the Drop Zone) in Butuan City, Philippines.  Innocent Voices is partnering with Project Destiny Kids to provide three months of programming and services for the Drop Zone.   The goal is to support these children physically, emotionally and spiritually, and to eventually offer them enrollment in the Kid House program at the Farm, located far away from the temptations of the City, where they can find security, healing and hope for their future.

Cost:  $4,500
Currently Raised:  $4,500   

2018 Education for 9 HIV+ Boys and 1 HIV+ Girl in India:  The Oasis Boys Home in India was started in June 2010 to care for children infected with HIV. It was later decided to discontinue the physical residential Boys Home in favor of a more decentralized ministry in which the children live with family members when possible and in residential care homes when not.  Nine boys and one girl are currently being supported for education, nutrition and any other urgent needs that arise.  Innocent Voices will fund $5,000 to support primarily educational needs of these children.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000

2018 Summer Camp for Orphanage Leavers in Central Asia: For most of the 15 to 17 year old youth who live in government institutions such as orphanages and children’s centers, their departure and transition into independent living is a point of crisis where they are suddenly required to fend for themselves with little training and minimal or no support.  As a result, these young people are vulnerable to living on the streets, involvement in crime (including prostitution), and being trafficked. Innocent Voices will fund the 2018 Oasis Summer Camp which will provide an opportunity to build intentional relationships with 40 “leavers,” while providing them with legal knowledge of basic human rights, life skills, safe employment processes and access to democratic processes.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000

2018 Workforce Development for At-Risk Youth & Young Adults in the East Bay: Love Never Fails is launching the IT Biz Cisco Networking Academy. This technology training program will provide trafficking survivors; foster, system involved and/or transitional aged youth; teenage parents; and other at-risk young people a supportive environment where they can learn technology skills to help launch them into financially sustainable careers. Love Never Fails is seeking $40,000 to help fund a Life Coach, a new position that will support 40 students attending the IT Biz Cisco Networking Academy.  This Life Coach will provide students with academic guidance, resource and job referrals, and encouragement to support their completion of the IT Biz certification program.  Innocent Voices will provide 10% of the Life Coach salary.

Cost:  $4,000
Currently Raised:  $4,000

2018 Human Trafficking Prevention Education for Teen Moms in the East Bay: Innocent Voices is again supporting Love Never Fails (LNF) by funding a two hour refresher of Trafficking Prevention Education for 40+ teen moms at the Burke and Fruitvale Academies in Hayward and Oakland.  This education targets teenage mothers at risk of recruitment for sex trafficking.  In addition, these students will be referred to LNF counseling and mentoring programs, and will provide high risk students with monthly case management through LNF.

Cost:  $1,000
Currently Raised:  $1,000

2018 School Expenses for Children in India:  One hundred ninety (190) children are enrolled in the new Little Flock Kindergarten and Elementary School.   Most of them are village children from poor and mostly illiterate families who live in the villages around Little Flock Children’s Home.  The rest are children who are orphaned and live at Little Flock. Innocent Voices is supporting Little Flock by raising funds to cover most of the expenses for uniforms, textbooks, classroom supplies and transportation for these children.

Cost:  $4,000
Currently Raised:  $4,000

2017: Summer Camp for  Orphanage Leavers in Central Asia: This is the 4th year that Innocent Voices has funded the annual OASIS summer camp.  These camps have been a highlight of the year for young people about to leave orphanage care.   This year, the camp will include 50 young people (ages 15-17) who will leave institutions in the summer of 2017, 5 OASIS staff and 5 volunteers.  The camp will include typical camp activities such as sports, hiking, games and crafts, along with discussions and workshops on topics such as identity, change and relationships.  The camp also provides the opportunity for the staff and volunteers to start or continue to build intentional relationships with the young people.  It is primarily through these relationships and conversations that the young people are helped as they transition to independent living.

Cost:  $2,000
Currently Raised:  $2,000

2017: Camping Scholarships for 9 Students:  Nine at risk children ages 8-12 years old will experience one week of camping involving high adventure, lots of fun, great food and excellent speakers who understand and respect how to translate God’s love.   Innocent Voices is partnering with Today’s Youth Matter to fund a cabin of children and training for one of the three cabin leaders.  The children come mainly from Richmond, Oakland, San Jose and East Palo Alto, and 50% of them are or have been in foster care.  The goal of the camping experience is to embrace their need for belonging, accept who they are and will become, engage their imaginations so they can discover how God’s story intersects with theirs, affirm their worth and mobilize them to become leaders.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000

2017: Trafficking Prevention Education for Teen Moms in the East Bay:  Nine hours of human trafficking prevention education will be provided to 40 teen moms at risk of human trafficking recruitment in Hayward and Oakland.  Innocent Voices is partnering with Love Never Fails, an East Bay anti-trafficking ministry, to help fund these classes at the Burke and Fruitvale Academies.   In addition Love Never Fails (LNF) will refer Hayward students to LNF counselors and provide 5 students with monthly case management to assure ongoing support.

Cost:  $2,250
Currently Raised:  $2,250

2017: Emergency Family Care in Cambodia:  Children at risk of sex trafficking and in need of temporary shelter, can find it at the Emergency Family Care home in Svay Pak, Cambodia.   These children are either orphaned, abandoned, or from broken, unhealthy families (i.e. parents unemployed, addicted or involved in illicit activities).  Innocent Voices is partnering with AIM (Agape International Missions) to help fund this temporary shelter that can accommodate 20 girls and 8 boys in residence along with another 20 non-residents.  AIM Social Workers counsel and support the struggling families of these children.  Innocent Voices endeavors to fund educational and healthcare expenses for the children, up to $5,000 in 2017.

Cost:  $5,000
Currently Raised:  $5,000

2016: Summer Camp for Orphanage Leavers in Central Asia:   Innocent Voices has funded OASIS summer camps for the past three years.  These camps have been a highlight of the year for young people about to leave orphanage care.   This year, the camp will include 30 young people (ages 14-16) who will leave institutions in the summer of 2016, 5 OASIS staff and 5 volunteers.  The camp provides the opportunity for the staff and volunteers to start or continue to build intentional relationships with the young people.  It is primarily through these relationships and conversations that the young people are helped as they transition to independent living.

Cost:  $2,600
Currently Raised:  $2,600

Video greetings to our long time missionary, Maureen Palmer:

In 2004, Innocent Voices has began supporting and funding ministries of PACES Children in the city of Sierra Leone, Africa.  Paces stands for Paragon Agriculture & Community Empowerment Services.  Maureen Palmer was our supported PACES missionary for many years.  Maureen and other patriotic Sierra Leoneans helped to control poverty, alleviate hardship and distress for children in distress in Wellington, Freetown.  Innocent Voices also funded a sewing and tailoring project with Maureen from September 2006 through March 2007.  This project helped incarcerated juvenile delinquents acquire vocational and life skills for successful living and productive membership in society.

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Innocent Voices, Inc.
563 McKinley Court
San Leandro, CA 94577

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