How We Help

Innocent Voices financially supports, raises awareness of and intercedes for children in crisis. To financially support the work of partner organizations, Innocent Voices raises funds in two ways: through direct donations by caring people like you, and through fundraisers such as annual benefit dinners and pancake breakfasts. In addition, monthly meetings provide opportunities to keep abreast of developments around the world that put children in crisis situations and to support the work of partner organizations through intercession.

Who are the children in crisis?

Homeless Children and Youth:

Children without a responsible and caring adult in their life who work on the street, in a dump or elsewhere, or who live in the street, in homeless shelters, in abandoned buildings, in cars, or in otherwise unsuitable places.

Children of War:

Children who are impacted by war either directly as child soldiers or other participants in war, and those who are impacted indirectly by war becoming orphans, physically or emotionally disabled, or refugees displaced either inside or outside their country. 

Orphans – Actual or Social:

Children who do not have a responsible and caring adult acting in their best interest. Actual orphans are those without a father or mother or both. Social orphans may have a parent(s), but that parent is unable or unwilling to take on the responsibilities of a parent. Included among social orphans are foster children, children of prisoners, and children abandoned by their parents because of developmental, emotional or physical disabilities.

Trafficked Children (Commercial):

Children and youth who are bought and/or sold for sex or labor.   Children trafficked for sex include sexually exploited children, child sex tourism, children abused in pornography, and children exploited online.  Child laborers include children forced to work in fields, factories, or businesses without pay, and indentured servants. 

Abused Children – Non-Commercial:

Children and youth who are abused without a commercial or business interest including domestic abuse, cultural abuse (child brides, female genital mutilation of youth, and other cultural practices), and abuse/neglect of children with developmental, emotional and physical disabilities.

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